Mija Branc je velikonočni oltar okrasila s forzicijami in tulipani, znanilci pomladi in novega življenja, med mašo na orglah pa spremljala veselo Alelujo in velikonočne pesmi, ki so najglobji odmev človeškega srca po nesmrtnosti, ki jo prinaša Kristus. Po maši je lahko vsak dobil spominske pirhe, ki sta jih letos umetniško pobarvali Silva Vodlan in Marjana Burger.
Praznovanje se je nadaljevalo v dvorani ob potici in ostalih okusnih dobrotah Mije Branc, šunke začinjene s hudim hrenom Petra Jenka in prijaznim kramljanjem velikega števila naših faranov, ki so po dolgem obdobju covid-a lahko zopet normalno zaživeli. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste nam s svojim delom in udeležbo naredili veselo Alelujo!
World Day For Grandparents and Elderly, July 24, 2022
Pope Francis has established throughout the Church the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and Elderly beginning in 2021 on the fourth Sunday of July, near the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. The announcement of this celebration coincides with the celebration of the Year of Amoris Laetitia Family, which began on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph the husband of Mary, on March 19, 2021, and will conclude at the World Meeting of Families in Rome in June of 2022.
Pope Francis, Angelus (July 26, 2013)
"How important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society! How important it is to have intergenerational exchanges and dialogues, especially within the context of the family. "